Aptly named Evil Grimace, Ronald McDonald's enemy had an insatiable thirst for shakes and sodas. The Evil Grimace debuted in November 1971, sporting two sets of arms and seemingly fewer brain cells.
McDonald’s has had a busy few months, bringing back the McRib, launching a new burger and dropping the festive menu for 2024. And just when you thought they’d given all they could, they go and ...
The character debuted in commercials alongside other mascots like Ronald McDonald, the Hamburglar, and Mayor McCheese. Initially, Grimace was portrayed as a villain called "Evil Grimace." ...
Inspired by the McDonald's Grimace mascot, which was first introduced in the 1970s, the shake debuted in the US during the summer of 2023. The character was originally an evil character who stole ...
Originally introduced as 'Evil Grimace' in 1971, the character was quickly retconned to be a smiling, purple blob, and a friend of Ronald McDonald. In a similar way to the fact that McDonald's ...