The business of tea is at an inflection point. Traditional perceptions are being redefined, and the opportunity for ...
That comforting hot cup of tea—or refreshing glass of iced tea on a hot summer day—could help reduce the amount of toxic metals in drinking water, according to a new paper published in the ...
From their experiments, the researchers estimate that tea preparation can remediate about 15% of lead from drinking water, even up to lead concentrations as high as 10 parts per million.
A recent study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine highlighted that drinking two or more cups of tea each day is associated with a reduced risk of death compared to those who do not ...
A recent study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine has revealed that consuming two or more cups of tea daily could lower the risk of death compared to non-tea drinkers. Tea, rich in ...
Tea Nanny is a fortnightly series on the world of tea. Aravinda Anantharaman is a tea drinker, writer and editor. She posts @AravindaAnanth1 on Twitter.
Today, modern science increasingly supports what ancient civilizations instinctively understood—tea is not just a drink but a powerful tool for overall well-being. True tea comes exclusively ...
Tea lovers could reap a wealth of health benefits by switching to a 'special' blend which can help fight back against diabetes, high cholesterol and Alzheimer's. But, this drink will be unlike ...
A study has found that green-tea drinkers have a lower risk of dementia, but it has more to offer than just cognitive benefits While many of us rely on coffee as a cognitive crutch to perk up our ...
King Charles enjoys four cups of tea a day, a former royal butler has revealed. Grant Harrold, who served as the King's ...
As the UK's weather takes a turn this weekend, tea drinkers across the nation are rejoicing, with barometer-busting high air pressure creating the perfect conditions for a superior cup of tea.