The Doomsday Clock now stands at 89 seconds to midnight, the closest to catastrophe in its nearly eight-decade history.
An alleged user interface leak claims that Apple will change the appearance of alarm notifications on iPhone, but the ...
The metaphorical clock on the University of Chicago campus ticked forward to 89 seconds to midnight, the closest it has been ...
The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists announced on Jan. 28 that the hands of the Doomsday Clock are moving forward, to 89 seconds to midnight—the closest it has ever been to apocalypse.
According to UCSD, there are two prevailing theories about the relationship between aging and our DNA. The somatic mutation theory suggests aging is caused by an accumulation of mutations leading to ...
Using a traditional alarm clock instead of a phone could lead to better sleep, according to some experts. They recommend leaving phones in another room to reduce distractions. "A traditional alarm ...
If you are getting enough sleep at night consistently but are still not sleeping well or waking up feeling rested, it may be ...