Malayalam cinema has consistently produced some of the best films of the last few years, not letting the usual hurdles — budgets, mainly — get in the way of a good story. Also read – Manjummel Boys: A ...
Anime movie 'The Colors Within,' Timothée Chalamet on 'SNL' and Ms. Rachel's Netflix show are on Billboard Family's Hits of the Week.
The National Western Stock Show wraps up its 119th edition while Colorado hosts the X Games, 'Back to the Future: The Musical ...
Check out this round-up of our favorite shows and movies for kids that parents may actually want to binge too!
Barbie,' 'A Thousand and One' and 'Joy Ride' rank among the top 150 most inclusive films on USC Annenberg and Adobe's ...
Family movies are generally massive hits at the box office and some of their sequels, like Moana 2, are just as good as the ...
Meanwhile, horror movie NOSFERATU has only $155M globally. PADDINGTON IN PERU, which doesn’t release in the US until Feb. 14, ...
Lego’s Twilight The Cullen House set is available to preorder for fans looking for a collectible, buildable piece of movie memorabilia.
The '90s had some stellar movies meant for children. Here, let's try and tackle the impossible task of ranking 15 of them.