On Thursday, Armaan and Aashna shared the joyous news on social media, posting a series of pictures. The caption, written in Hindi, read, "Tu hi mera ghar (You are my home) (sic)". In the photos, the ...
The box office figures are compiled from various sources and our own research. The figures can be approximate and Bollywood Hungama does not make any claims about the authenticity of the data ...
Thukra Ke Mera Pyaar has been receiving a massive response from the audience. The web series consists of nineteen episodes, each approximately 20 minutes long. The plot revolves around a love ...
Despite having no prominent actors, Thukra Ke Mera Pyaar, the trend-worthy the web series, is gaining significant traction among the audience. Season 1 of Thukra Ke Mera Pyaar consists of nineteen ...
Welcome to Mera Sara Tu, Abbas's latest collaboration with Sohail Javed and Naad e Ali Zaidi. A sneak peek With lyrics by Sohail and music by Abbas, Mera Sara Tu does what any piece of music worth ...