Many fans of PBS’s Victorian-era crime show Miss Scarlet will miss the professional and potential romantic partnership of detective agency owner Eliza Scarlet (Kate Phillips) and William “The ...
The anime adaptation the medical mystery series, Ameku Takao’s Detective Karte (also known as Ameku M.D.: Doctor Detective), is one of the most highly anticipated releases of the Winter 2025 season.
“Badge engineering” is proving to be an effective sales strategy for carmakers, and it is likely to remain popular in the new year. What is it, and why is it working so well for manufacturers such as ...
Jodie Foster won her first ever Emmy in September for her turn in HBO’s True Detective: Night Country and tonight she won her fifth Golden Globe for that same role. Foster won the award for Best ...
DeMille Award. When she won the 2024 Primetime Emmy for the role back in September, Foster became the first actor from any of the “True Detective” installments to win an Emmy. The Globe win ...
Detective television shows always manage to raise the innate investigator we all have within us. The reason why people find detective shows so engaging is that there’s enough space to explore a wide ...
Canadian military leaders cancelled a proposed combat action badge in 2008 because they were worried soldiers in Afghanistan would risk their lives to attain the coveted honour, according to newly ...
What are the best detective games on PC? We’ve all seen an episode of CSI or Law and Order, read a John Grisham book, or listened to a true crime podcast and thought, “Yeah, I could do that.
You play Officer Nick Mendoza, a detective embroiled in a Miami drug war. Each mission sees you take on increasingly unofficial tasks. Whether you brandish your badge and arrest perps rather than ...
Over the course of two (admittedly quite big) video games, the Red Dead Redemption series has crafted an incredibly vivid world. This world is filled with realistic characters and interweaving ...
A sign beside it featured a single word: Blessed. The home belonged to Detective Sgt. Monica Mosley, a 15-year veteran of the Cumberland County Prosecutor’s Office. Mosley worked in internal ...
Detective games require players to immerse themselves in narrative-driven mysteries, solving crimes by finding clues and interrogating suspects. Visual novels like Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney and ...