In addition, there's a bank discount of Rs 1,400, bringing down the price to Rs 26,599. On the other hand, the 12GB/256GB variant of the Edge 50 Pro with the 125W adapter is now selling for Rs ...
It is worth noting that the discount includes the bank offers. If you are looking to buy a new device under the Rs 30,000 bracket, you can definitely consider the Motorola Edge 50 Pro smartphone.
Golf gave me a new life because after I left the service, I was very anti-social,” he said. Through the PGA HOPE program, ...
On paper, it looks great that LIV Golf will begin its 2025 season in the ... And isn’t that the crux of the pro game these days? How much of it needs to revolve around the United States, and ...
And so Chase begins his climb back to pro golf. But he’s at least armed with some sage advice from his older brother. “Brooks said, ‘Have zero expectations these first couple weeks.
The Google Pixel 8 Pro Smartphone has been reduced on Amazon to £549.99 from a staggering £999. In one of the biggest price drops we've seen all month. The Pixel 8 Pro, available in three ...
PC hardware is nice, but it’s not much use without innovative software. I’ve been reviewing software for PCMag since 2008, and I still get a kick out of seeing what's new in video and photo ...
Got your eye on the latest Samsung smartphones? I've rounded up all the best Samsung Galaxy S25 preorders together into a handy guide for our readers looking to save some cash on these excellent ...
The best MacBook Pro laptop is a beautifully versatile machine - as capable of productivity tasks as editing videos. For most people, we find the MacBook Pro M4 will offer everything you need from ...
5. You'll need to add the coupon during the final checkout page. In the "Payment method" section, you'll find a discount code box that says "Add a gift card or promotion code or voucher." ...
The Microsoft Surface Pro 7 is the 12.3-inch incarnation of Microsoft’s hugely popular 2-in-1 Surface. It packs all of the power of a laptop into the touchscreen functionality of a tablet ...