The disorder that is the natural disaster recovery system may best be summed up by Hurricane Sandy “clawbacks.” After the ...
Our research finds that conditions were placed on $12 million in Katrina aid, out of nearly $122 billion.
With an estimated $70.2 billion in damage, Sandy is the third costliest natural disaster in US history (it was second until being overtaken by Hurricane Harvey in August). The storm was ...
Almost 15 years after Hurricane Sandy devastated New York City, the Brooklyn Navy Yard hasn't totally recovered. But millions of federal dollars, secured this year by local congress members, are ...
This story appears in the September 2013 issue of National Geographic magazine. By the time Hurricane Sandy veered toward the Northeast coast of the United States last October 29, it had mauled ...
When Hurricane Sandy struck New York City on Oct. 29, 2012, meteorologists determined that Boston had dodged a bullet because when the storm reached here, it had missed high tide by five and a half ...