Then, on January 8, Musk disclosed during an online interview that there was now a third person with an implant. “We’ve got now three patients, three humans with Neuralinks implanted, and they are all ...
What’s new: Meta has released a new AI model that can translate speech from 101 different languages. It represents a step ...
A third patient received a brain implant from Neuralink, a neurotechnology company founded by Elon Musk. The billionaire said ...
Elon Musk didn’t provide any details about the latest patient to get an implant from his brain-computer interface company, ...
Neuralink is one of many organisations working on brain-computer connections, including rival start-ups in Europe. This is ...
Elon Musk has said a third person has received an implant from his brain-computer company Neuralink. He also said that ...
Louis Rosenberg envisions a brave new world, where human / AI integration accelerates existing technology to offer human beings new "superpowers".
Spotify first launched in 2008, about 17 years ago. Much has changed since then, and today, the platform is among the most popular music streaming services, with a considerable lead over other ...
Outgoing U.S. President Joe Biden said on Wednesday that he was concerned about a "dangerous concentration of power" among a ...
In 2023, since a brain implant allowed a paralysed man to walk at a research institute in Switzerland, a flurry of research ...
That same year, he also started Neuralink, a nanobiotechnology company aiming to link the human brain with artificial intelligence, which we’ll delve into more later. Without question, Elon Musk is a ...