The Women in Ag Network is a collaboration between University of Minnesota Extension and Minnesota's Farm Service Agency. The Network provides educational opportunities and events that enhance ...
Whether your exit is three years or three decades away, every business owner needs an exit strategy. If your business doesn’t transfer, what will happen to the customers, employees, and other people ...
The Minnesota Master Naturalist training course includes 40 hours of lectures, hands-on activities, videos and field trips that cover in-depth specific aspects of Minnesota's natural history. We offer ...
Consistent efforts in efficiency, financial management, planning and communication enable top producers to weather challenges and thrive over the long term.
Microgreens are easy to grow, incredibly nutritious, and the perfect way to bring some life to your kitchen during Minnesota’s cold months.
Pickled beets, pears and cake(!), kimchi, and flavored vinegar are on top of some cottage foods menus this year. You can make them safely by following standard recipes and testing pH.
Also, as the new year starts, please watch for shotgun and wildlife opportunities as well. Our shooting sports program is expanding, thanks to some dedicated volunteers getting trained and being able ...
Have you noticed a decline in emails from the Extension Office? Don’t forget to let us know when you change your email address. You can go into 4honline and make the change yourself or simply email or ...
At Extension, we strive to make our website accessible to all. The W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1, level AA, serve as the Web accessibility standards for the University of Minnesota.
4-H scholarships are given from funds raised during our 2 fundraisers for the year, the fruit sale and the food stand during the county fair. Families who meet these requirements can utilize as many ...
4-H Re-enrollment time is now, if you haven’t already! You need to log-in to 4honline, and, using your email address and password, simply ...
University of Minnesota Extension SuperShelf team and educator Serdar Mamedov works with Catholic Charities Food Shelf to grow the halal food supply chain and make culturally appropriate foods more ...