Shortly after taking office, the Trump Administration announced the suspension of refugee resettlement, a program that offers safety to some of the most vulnerable refugees in the world and has saved ...
RESCUE välkomnar en vapenvila i Gaza. Vapenvilan måste bli en vändpunkt, där civila skyddas från ytterligare skada, gisslan friges och humanitärt bistånd utökas för att möta akuta behov i Gaza. RESCUE ...
국제구조위원회는 가자 휴전 발표를 환영합니다. 이번 휴전은 전환점이 되어야 합니다. 민간인을 더 이상의 피해로부터 보호하고 인질이 석방되며 사람들의 긴급한 필요를 위한 인도적 지원을 ...
The International Rescue Committee (IRC) welcomes the announcement of a ceasefire in Gaza. This ceasefire must be a turning point. It is a chance to shield civilians from further harm, achieve the ...
This two-pager highlights the success of the REACH consortium, led by the IRC and funded by Gavi, in providing lifesaving immunization to children in conflict-affected areas across East Africa. By ...
The International Rescue Committee (IRC) is concerned about the implications of the Trump Administration’s decision to limit the use of humanitarian parole, including by ending the Cuban, Haitian, ...
The International Rescue Committee (IRC) reiterates that a safe, fair and organized asylum system should be a priority. The actions invoked by Executive Order, including the suspension of entry of ...
Syria’s need for large-scale recovery is too great to ignore – the time for decisive action is now. Steps must be taken urgently to dismantle the barriers to early recovery efforts across the country ...