In 1940, Witold Pilecki, a Polish officer, voluntarily chooses to be interned at Auschwitz in order to create a resistance ...
Senators and members of parliament have returned for the first sitting week of the year. Here's what was on the agenda.
Australia has seen three fatal shark attacks in just a few weeks, with the most recent one killing a 17-year-old in ...
2025年2月4日(周二)下午:一项托儿服务补贴改革措施有可能在未来两周获联邦议会通过,如果通过,澳大利亚大多数家庭将可以每周获得三天有补贴的托儿服务(收听播客,了解详情)。 本期新闻要点: 每周三天托儿补贴或两周内获澳议会通过; ...
美國總統特朗普繼決定暫緩對墨西哥徵收關稅一個月後不久,又同意對加拿大徵收關稅的措施暫緩 30 天實施。 加拿大總理杜魯多表示,加拿大也放棄實施之前宣佈對美國的報復性關稅,並會推行一些邊境措施,包括使用新的直升機及技術,又會在邊境部署近 1 萬名前線人員加強保衛邊境。 墨西哥總統辛飽姆也答應將立即派遣 1 萬名國民警衛隊人員加強北部邊境巡邏,以阻止非法毒品、特別是芬太尼 (fentanyl) 進入美 ...
新州運輸廳長被揭使用以公帑資助的司機,帶她去酒莊吃午餐並送她的孩子參加週末運動,廳長一直面臨壓力。 新州運輸廳長辭職。 Source: AAP / Dan Himbrechts 新州運輸廳長海倫 (Jo Haylen) ...
In 2021, a 33-year-old mother of three, Christine McGuinness, discover that she is autistic. Suddenly, for the very first ...
Hầu hết nội dung của chúng tôi chỉ có sẵn để phát trực tuyến trong nước Úc do vấn đề bản quyền.
有騙徒透過電郵和電話冒充政府官員,聲稱來自澳洲信號局 (ASD)。 有騙徒透過電郵和電話冒充政府官員,聲稱來自澳洲信號局 (ASD)。 Source: AAP / Yui Mok/PA ...
Labor says the coalition's so-called long lunch tax break for businesses will cost taxpayers more than a billion dollars a ...
The Senator promised the Jewish community that parliamentarians would do all they could to "protect your families".
The Australian daughter of Baha'i poet Mahvash Sabet is calling for the Australian government's support for her release from ...