Bambi is the titular protagonist of Disney 's 1942 animated feature film of the same name. He is a white-tailed deer who was raised in the forest under the nurturing guidance and protection of …
Bambi is the title character in Felix Salten's 1923 novel, Bambi, a Life in the Woods, and its sequel, Bambi's Children. The character also appears in Salten's novels Perri and Fifteen …
Bambi is a 1942 American animated film produced by Walt Disney and based on the book Bambi: A Life in the Woods by Austrian author Felix Salten. The fifth film in the Disney Animated …
In the heart of the forest, Bambi takes his first wobbly steps and sets out to explore his new world with his friends: a lovable rabbit called Thumper and a bashful skunk named Flower.
Bambi, American animated film, released in 1942, that is considered a classic in the Disney canon for its lush hand-drawn animation and its sensitive affective narrative. The story chronicles the …
In a life-changing adventure, Bambi sets off with his best friends Thumper and Flower to explore the wonders and challenges of the woods...and fulfill his destiny as prince of the forest. Full of …
As morning light breaks across the meadow and new life awakens, Bambi's critically acclaimed coming-of-age story begins. And now, completely restored and remastered with state-of-the …
Bambi is the titular protagonist of the 1922 Felix Salten novel, Bambi: A Life in The Woods, along with its 1939 sequel, Bambi's Children, the 1942 Disney film of the same name, and its …